Keep your managers and employees on the same page with engaging performance reviews.

Building frequent and consistent performance habits is critical to driving employee success. Take the first right step with performance reviews you can tailor to fit your culture and mold your managers into more effective coaches.





500+ Reviews from HR, managers, and employees


Streamline performance evaluations with simple and effective reviews.

Performance conversations don’t need to be hard. Give your teams reliable context to help them have more objective and engaging conversations.


Find out why customers love Quantum Workplace

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Quantum Workplace has given us the means to measure what we have not previously been able to measure formally: how focused our teams are on regular formal communication, goal setting, and consistent recognition. Without a doubt, Quantum Workplace has been a critical benefit to enhancing the employee experience at Scooter’s Coffee. 

Patty Nash
Sr. Manager, Employee Experience
at Scooter’s Coffee

Performance Review Software FAQs

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What is a performance review?

A performance review is a formal evaluation of an employee's performance, skills, and accomplishments in their job. While reviews serve as an opportunity for managers and employees to discuss performance, set goals, provide feedback, and recognize accomplishments, the current state of performance reviews has faced numerous challenges. A modern, effective performance review should be a two-way, individualized conversation between a manager and an employee about performance impact, development, and growth. It is a critical component of an organization’s overall performance management strategy. How an organization navigates performance review conversations has a demonstrated impact on employee engagement and retention. 

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Why should we care about performance reviews?

Performance reviews are helpful for understanding progress and areas of improvement for each employee. They help employees see where they're doing great, where they can get better, and what they should aim for next. If wielded well, performance reviews can be a secret weapon in retaining top performers. They serve as a perfect opportunity to summarize an employee's progress, recognize contributions, and develop a growth plan that is aligned with your organization's vision and key objectives. 

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What should I look for in performance review software?

When selecting performance review software, it’s crucial to consider features that align with your organization’s culture, simplify the evaluation process, and enhance the objectivity of feedback. Here’s what you should look for: 

  1. Customizability: Look for flexible performance review templates and scheduling that can be tailored to various performance management cycles and organizational needs. This includes the ability to adapt features such as goal ratings, competencies, weighting, scales, and custom performance review questions to fit your specific requirements. A platform that allows for different templates across various groups within your organization ensures that the reviews are relevant and resonate with all departments.
  1. Simplicity and Usability: Look for a platform that is easy to use for both HR administrators and end users, including managers and employees. The interface should be intuitive, reducing the administrative burden and making it easier to conduct your performance review process. Features like automated workflows, clear tracking of review statuses, and straightforward analytics help keep everyone accountable and informed throughout the review process.

Additionally, consider how the software facilitates effective performance conversations and performance review best practices:   

  1. Embedded Analytics and Data: Effective performance review software should provide leaders with analytics that help them analyze and act on key performance insights. This includes tracking response rates, review completion statuses, and comprehensive performance data which should be easily accessible and interpretable to inform decisions.
  1. Support for Objective Feedback: The software should support mechanisms that promote objectivity in reviews, such as 360-degree feedback and multi-rater reviews. These features help gather diverse perspectives and reduce biases, making the feedback more comprehensive and valuable. 

By focusing on these aspects, you can choose performance review software that not only fits your organizational culture but also enhances the effectiveness and fairness of your performance evaluations. 

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What makes Quantum Workplace’s performance review software different?

Administering effective and objective performance reviews across your entire organization requires a partner you can rely on. For the last 20+ years, our customers have trusted us to deliver reliable expertise, technology, service and results.   

We help you uncover meaning.
Understand what's truly driving or hindering employee performance, engagement, and retention. Keep your people on the same page with formal performance reviews using our validated best practices. 

We make action easy for everyone. 
Performance reviews need to be easy for everyone. Our solutions help reduce headaches for HR, integrate into manager workflows, and encourage employee involvement.  

We’re a partner you can rely on.
You’re on a journey – and we’re with you every step of the way. You can rely on our dedicated team to provide strategic guidance, ongoing coaching, timely tech support, and safe and secure practices your programs need to be successful. 


Every tool you need to inspire employee impact and performance.

Check out the other tools in our performance management suite designed to help you and your managers grow, develop, and align your teams to maximize success.



Motivate employees and celebrate success with real-time recognition. Easily share stories of success across your organization.



Boost employee performance, growth, and development with 360, peer, upward feedback, and more. Support a culture of continuous feedback.



Move teams forward with clear and aligned goals that drive results. Set, track, and accomplish important goals.



Empower meaningful conversations at every level, across any department. Increase communication, clarity, and engagement.

Talent Reviews


Objectively assess performance to identify rising stars and talent risks. Make strategic talent decisions.

Succession Planning


Proactively identify gaps and create development plans to prepare for the future. Ensure the right successors are identified and developed.

Empower your managers and teams to drive impact.

Explore Quantum Workplace’s performance management platform today.
